Men are in search of a good hair day too! Nowadays men are in the hunt for the best styling gel and waxes. Men rather get recommendation from their hair stylist on the product they are using on them to achieve the same hair style or look at home.
Young men are obsessed with their hair style:
Men in their 20s and 30s are much more open to using grooming products without fear of judgment. Young men are more fashion forward in their appearance. Especially now that we have so many male celebrities known for their hair styles such as Jared Leto, Harry Styles, and let’s not forget David Beckham, all these men are well-known for their man bun and the classic under cut. This past year alone if you google beauty trends 2015 results showed 6% more google search about men’s hair than women’s hair.
Men’s shampoos and conditioners, along with styling gels, creams, and waxes, are driving growth of men’s personal-care products. Guys don’t want a routine that takes too much time, and they don’t want to look like they tried too hard. They’re more into something quick and easy but also something that’s going to last all day. Men want packaging that is direct and easy to understand. Often, men don’t know what their hair needs are, here at Unique Hair Concepts we are able to help you create the look you are looking for with great hair products specific to your styling needs.
What we have to offer:
Recently, the team at Unique Hair Concepts attended the IBS Show (International Beauty Show) in New York. We got to see new hair styling trends and products that are popular for men. Our team follows the latest trends for men’s hair styling. We offer you our expertise opinion and advice on how to treat your hair and the best trusted product recommendations to use for your hair. For more information on men’s styling trends, causes of men's hair loss, solutions for men’s hair loss, or our hair loss prevention program, please schedule your free, private consultation at Unique Hair Concepts.