For anyone to have healthy hair, it is critical to ensure that hair follicles, which produce hair, have the nutrition they need to function at their best. In some situations, it is best if that nutrition comes from the foods we eat. Yet, most American diets are not packed with enough nutrition to meet all of the body’s needs. More so, even if you did eat a balanced diet, it may not be enough to compensate for nutritional deficiencies that may lead to hair loss. That’s where supplements may help. There are some supplements you can take that could help improve your hair.

Look for Individual Supplements

In the best case scenario, a person seeks out a supplement based on what their body needs. For example, you could have a blood test to determine what nutrients you may be lacking and then work with your doctor to determine the reason why. Taking those missing supplements is then an option.

However, it’s not often the case that this occurs. Be aware, though, that taking a hair growth supplement may not be the ideal option, especially if it does not provide what your body needs. It’s important to know which individual nutrients the supplement should have to meet your specific goals. If you decide to purchase a pre-packed hair growth supplement, be sure it contains the nutrients you need.

Which Nutrients Are Beneficial to Hair Health and Growth?

Choose supplements based on how well they can meet your individual needs. Here are some factors to consider about the nutrients your body must have to ensure good hair health.

Vitamin D

How much Vitamin D do you get? It’s not fully understood how Vitamin D plays a role in hair growth, but many people who are deficient in it are at a higher risk of hair loss. Since it’s hard to get enough Vitamin D from the sun directly, a supplement is often necessary. Look for cod liver oil, fatty fish, and fortified foods that can also provide access to this nutrient.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant your body needs to fight off oxidative stress brought on by free radicals in the body. If you do not get enough of it, your immune system may be weakened. Over time, these free radicals can damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss, too. More so, Vitamin C helps with the production of collagen, a protein that’s critical to the growth of hair.

Vitamin A

Perhaps the one of the most important for speeding up hair growth, Vitamin A is necessary. It helps to support tissue growth in the body and aids in proper monitoring of the production of sebum, an oily substance on your scalp that helps to keep the skin and hair healthy. A diet deficient in Vitamin A is likely to lead to hair loss.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are another important tool, especially biotin. Studies found that a person that’s deficient in biotin are more likely to have thinning hair. Deficiencies like this are common in people that do not eat a lot of whole grains, fish, or meats. However, replenishing it may help to improve overall hair growth. It can help improve hair growth in healthy people, even if you are not deficient, as well.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another antioxidant that works to get rid of oxidative stress in the body. Without it, your body’s cells can become clogged with toxins. Studies have shown that a person with hair loss increased their hair growth rate significantly when they used a Vitamin E supplement.


Another nutrient critical to hair growth is iron. It helps to move oxygen-rich blood to each of the cells. Without enough of this mineral, many bodily functions are not efficient. That includes hair growth. It may even cause anemia, a condition that can lead to organ damage.

Ready to Supplement?

You don’t have to buy very expensive supplements to see results. Instead, purchase a high-quality daily multivitamin that includes the recommended daily allowance for these and other nutrients your body needs. Doing so can significantly improve overall health while also giving your body everything it needs to grow hair that’s healthy.

To learn more, contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts for a free, private consultation.