Hair transplantation is becoming more common every year. For many people, this process allows for removing hair follicles from one area and positioning in another area that is not growing hair. The process allows for your own hair follicles to be used. It is very low risk and can help you to see the results you want. But, timing is important. Doing this too soon or through an unexperienced provider can put you at risk for complications. Some of those complications include losing too much hair over time.

How It Works

First, consider how a hair transplant works. Your surgeon will talk to you about the process. Then, he or she will look at your head. The goal is to remove hair follicles, from one area of your head where your hair is growing well. They will then transfer these hair follicles in an area with limited hair growth. This process allows the follicles just moved to begin to produce hair as normal. Over time, you will see this area fill in.

However, it is important to know these hair follicles are generally removed in follicular units. They are applied into the new area is the same way. These hair follicles will continue to grow hair. They are considered permanent growers – meaning they are not likely to see hair loss but will instead continue to grow in this area. In some situations, this is a problem. For most men, it is exactly what you want – you want the hair to grow there long term. But, what happens if you do this too soon?

Is It Too Soon?

Take a moment to consider what level of hair loss you are in. Have you noticed some thinning and want to stop it now? Perhaps you have seen your hairline continue to recede. These are key indications when hair transplants can help. However, if you do this too soon, you may experience continued hair loss. For example, let’s say a man in his 20s has hair transplants. The hair from the back is placed in the front. It grows in over time. But, he has yet to stop losing hair. The hair next to and behind the hair transplant can continue to fall out. The trauma from moving the hair itself can speed up this process. Suddenly you have a problem.

You may end up with a strip of hair that is growing in fully – these are the transplanted follicles. And, next to this, your hair may be falling out. It does not look natural. And it can be a problem for you over time. This is why it is very important to have a hair transplant after you are sure you have lost all of the hair you are likely to lose. At this point, it becomes an excellent time for this procedure.

It is important to discuss all of your needs with your doctor as well. For example, you may see sudden amounts of hair loss after you have a hair transplant. This is normal. It is due to the trauma caused by the process. You may also find this type of corrective procedure can lead to some damage of existing hair follicles. This is especially true if you are younger. For this reason, you really do want to work closely with a skilled professional who can ensure the process goes as it should.

To be clear, hair transplants can be a very good thing for those who have significant hair loss. They can also be an excellent investment in improving your overall look. But, you really should wait until your hair loss has stopped before you consider the procedure. Of course, you do not want to wait too long – waiting too long may mean you do not have any hair to transplant. The good news is there is help available to you to make this decision. Spend some time considering all of your options to determine if right now is the best time for you, personally, to get the hair transplant you desire.

Contact the hair specialists at Unique Hair Concepts to learn more.