How much of hair loss is down to genetics, and how much could be attributed to other factors? That’s the question many people are asking, and it makes sense – especially for those who may already have noticed they’re experiencing hair loss. Is there anything they can do or is it all down to genes?
That’s what we’re going to explore in this article, so settle in and let’s see what we can find out.
Can You Prevent Hair Loss if It’s Genetic?
Here’s the big question… and unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to prevent hereditary hair loss. There are approved options that may be able to slow the rate at which you lose your hair, such as low level light therapy, finasteride, minoxidil, and hair loss prevention treatments but they won’t be able to stop it completely.
Can Both Men and Women Suffer From Genetic-Related Hair Loss?
Yes. While you might think this is restricted to men, it’s not the case. Women may develop Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) if other women in their family have in the past. Women tend to notice their hair begins thinning on top of their head. This is also known as androgenetic alopecia.
You might also be more likely to experience hair loss during menopause. This type of hormonal hair loss occurs as one of many potential symptoms connected to a drop in estrogen.
How Common Is Genetic Hair Loss?
Around half of men around the world notice some degree of hair loss by the time they reach the age of 50. The percentage increases with age, with around 70% of men losing some hair as they age. As for women, around 25% notice some hair loss by the age of 50, so there’s still a significant percentage by that age.
It’s not always as simple as looking at your father or grandfather and seeing whether they experienced baldness though. Genes are a complex matter and it’s possible to inherit genes from both your mother and father that may determine genetic hair loss chances. Some men may follow the pattern of the other males in their family. However, there are cases where men suffer from male pattern baldness that does not seem to follow genetic signs in their family, and they become the only man to lose their hair.
So, Is It About More Than Just Genetics?
There are other reasons why men (and women) may lose their hair, whether that is because of bald patches or general thinning. For example, there are medical treatments – most obviously chemotherapy – that can lead to hair loss. Certain medical conditions may also produce some hair loss. Even stress and a lack of certain vitamins or minerals could have an effect. A simple change in diet can lead to an increase in hair loss over time, at least until your body gets used to it.
Is Genetic Hair Loss Rapid?
If you notice some hair loss that appears to fall in line with genetic hair loss, it shouldn’t occur quickly. Instead, it will progress over time, following the patterns typically seen in men and women. Of course, everyone is different, and some may notice it progressing more than others.
Is Hair Loss Inherited From Your Mother or Father?
Both – contrary to many beliefs people have about hair loss. It’s not just down to one gene either. Research has discovered 63 genes that might be responsible for hair loss in men. These genes can come from either side of your family, rather than just from your mother or father.
What Can You Do to Combat Genetic Hair Loss?
If it is in your genes to lose your hair, as we’ve described above, there isn’t much you can do to combat things. You cannot reverse it, just as you cannot reverse aging.
However, you can manage it to try and slow its progress. You may wish to visit a hair loss professional to learn more about hair loss prevention treatments. You can also visit your hair stylist to ask about the best way to manage your hair, so it still looks as good as possible. Some women may wish to wear hair pieces to cover up any thinning hair. There are always options to consider when you’re focusing on genetic hair loss.
To learn more about the options available for hair loss prevention, contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts and consider scheduling a complimentary in-office consultation.