Does your scalp itch and feel oily all of the time? It is one of the most common problems associated with hair, in fact. The scalp is a very difficult type of skin to manage. Not only does it have an incredible number of follicles with hair growing out of them, but it is also hard to wash and maintain unlike other areas of your skin. Nevertheless, oil is produced in the layers of the skin and for some, an overly dry scalp is the problem. What can you do to bring this problem under control?

Is Your Scalp Dry and Oily at the Same Time?

It may seem like it's impossible to have an oily scalp that's also very dry, but the two go hand in hand. Many people go through waves of changes. Your dry scalp occurs for various reasons. That leads to your body's natural protections going into place. More oil is produced to compensate for the dry hair. That creates an oily scalp. The scalp slows the production of oil and your scalp becomes dry again. This happens over and over again leaving you struggling to find a solution.

If you have a dry scalp, which is often evident by flaky skin or white flakes on your clothing or at the roots of your hair, and you have times where your hair feels oily, the good news is this can be normal. It can also be treated if you know the right methods for doing so. Generally speaking, that is a scalp treatment. Instead of focusing on your hair specifically, we need to go deeper to the roots. This type of treatment can properly address the underlying cause and help to create a more stabilized situation.

Stop the Bad Behavior

Before doing anything else, make an effort to put some quality time and attention into your hair. You'll need to avoid purchasing chemical-based products that are damaging the scalp itself. You also want to avoid scrubbing the product into your scalp aggressively. This causes damage to the scalp and can simply worsen the problem. However, you'll also need to make sure that you rinse your hair very thoroughly to ensure all residue from shampoo or cleansers is removed. This, too, can create irritation on the scalp and lead to a significant problem overall. Now that you have your condition under care, the next step is to consider the actual scalp treatment.

Finding a Product for Your Needs

It is always recommended that you turn to a hair professional to get help for any type of hair-related need like this. For most people, scalp treatments should be done at the salon the first time with daily or weekly applications completed at home. Unique Hair Concepts works with CRLAB Products from Bologna, Italy. These all-natural products are sulfate and paraben-free. CRLAB products are specific to the clients scalp type: Oily, dry or dehydrated scalp, and thinning hair. During the initial consultation a hair professional will look at your hair and take photographs of your scalp with a high definition microscope camera with 200x magnification. An assessment is made after a series of questions and photographs are taken to determine which treatment protocol is right for your scalp. The basis of these treatments is to balance the scalp which will result in a healthy scalp growing healthy hair. If you would like to learn more about scalp treatments, schedule a free, private consultation.