Are you experiencing hair loss? Many men and women will struggle with hair loss of some level at some time in their life. It is normal to shed as much as 100 strands of hair a day. Most of the time, this comes out in a few strands here and there. However, for those who lose more, it is important to find out why. Understanding this can help you learn how to treat the condition. It could also point to other health problems you may have. For some men and women, low iron levels can be a direct link to hair loss. And, it is important to manage this condition.

A Lack of Iron

Low iron or iron deficiency is not an uncommon reason for hair loss. In fact, it is one of the most common causes of hair loss related to nutrient limitations. If your body does not intake enough iron, it can lead to changes in your blood make up. Specifically, your body’s blood supply cannot produce enough hemoglobin in it. As a result, your hair follicles cannot produce hair. This is because hemoglobin has an important task during the process of moving blood through the body.

Specifically, hemoglobin works to move oxygen throughout the body. This oxygen then works to help repair the cells in various areas of the body. This oxygen-rich blood moves to the hair follicles. When it occurs, it allows for the cells to stimulate and produce hair. In many ways, iron-rich blood can help to stimulate when and how much your hair grows. The good news is that many people can see improvement in this condition. They simply need to speak to their doctor and gather some information about their health. It is then possible to treat the underlying cause and treat the hair loss as a result.

How Will You Know You Have This?

There are many reasons for hair loss. It can be hard to know your hair loss is due to iron deficiencies. However, many men and women experiencing this type of hair loss will experience areas of hair thinning. That is, you will not lose hair over the entire head, but rather in more concentrated areas. It can look a lot like male or female pattern baldness. Over time, this can lead to patches of the scalp without hair. These bald spots can sometimes be the first sign of hair loss and iron deficiency.

How Can This Be Treated?

As noted, the treatment of iron-related hair loss is possible for most people. Your first step will be to visit your doctor. He or she will conduct a thorough blood count to determine if you are low on iron. From there, your doctor will determine the best treatment for you. In some cases, the use of iron supplements may help. You may also want to consider improving the amount of iron you get in your diet. Generally, it will be a combination of these factors that will improve your hair loss.

Doctors have other treatment options available to them as well. In some situations, treatments used to stimulate hair growth in people who suffer from male pattern baldness may help. Treatments such as minoxidil may help some people. It is important to keep in mind some people may not experience significant improvement in their hair growth. When this happens, doctors may encourage you to consider permanent solutions such as surgical or non-surgical hair restoration.

Have you been diagnosed with iron deficiency? If you have hair loss, recognize the link between the two. In doing so, you may be able to improve your overall diet and add supplements to overcome the hair loss you have. However, most of the time, it is best for you to do this with the help of your doctor. Proper care means you need to have the right diagnosis of your condition and a treatment plan created just for your individual needs. To learn more about the hair restoration options available, contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts.