Have you heard of scalp tattoos? This is a growing trend among men who have significant hair loss. The goal is to create what looks like authentic hair using a tattooing process. This tattoo technique isn’t a way to stop or slow hair loss. Instead, it focuses on camouflaging it. It’s important to know that you are not getting a true tattoo. But, you are likely getting a treatment that can impact your skin. If you are thinking about finding a way to hide your hair loss, you need to be fully aware of what scalp tattoos really are and how they work.

What is a Scalp Tattoo?

Scalp micropigmentation is the process known as scalp or hair tattooing. It is also sometimes called scalp pigmentation or cosmetic hair follicle replication. No matter what it is called, the process generally involves the placement of ink in the hair follicle. Ink marks are inserted just under your skin on the scalp. The goal is to make it look like you have very small hairs present there.
Now, traditionally tattooing (not of the scalp) is much different. The process uses a much larger needle. And, it injects the ink that creates the tattoo much deeper into the skin. When this is done, it causes your skin to bleed. Understanding this is important because tattoos themselves tend to be safe if done in the proper location and with specialized care and attention. On the other hand, scalp tattooing is much different and far more risky for a variety of reasons. If you are thinking about having this treatment, there are several things you should know about it first (and reason to believe you shouldn’t use it!)

What’s So Bad About It?

There are several things to know about this process before you consider having it. First, the use of scalp tattoos like this can make your skin more likely to be impacted by allergies. And, it can create irritations and inflammations that are both painful and hard to overlook. In many people, the use of these products tends to lead to irritations and inflammation that cause the immune system to work harder to fight off the infection. As it does, the skin becomes more and more sensitive. Ultimately, many people who use this treatment tend to face painful sores, red, inflamed skin, and even areas of infection.

A secondary concern is the allergy itself. Because the product being used can cause allergies in some people, it can cause your skin to have an allergic reaction. This can amount to the breakout of hives or open sores. For some, the risks are much higher as shock and even life threatening outcomes can occur. If you have any type of allergy to the products used (and sometimes it is hard to know exactly what types of products will be used) you can have a serious health concern on your hands.

Yet another concern is the precision of this treatment. Even if you decide to go forward with it, it is important to realize that it is a very specialized service. Not just anyone that offers this type of procedure is going to offer the precision and quality of results that you would expect and demand. And, it is a permanent to semi-permanent solution for your skin. You will want to know if the person providing you with this type of care is taking good care to avoid cross contamination with other people and has the skill to create a very precise finished look.

Should you consider scalp tattooing? If you have hair loss or you are facing balding, you may be looking for any type of solution that might work. Be careful with the use of scalp tattooing. Ultimately, this process can be safe, but only if done in the right manner by a specialized professional and only if you are confident you will not have a negative reaction. That’s hard to do, though. For this reason, many people should consider alternative treatments for men's hair loss or hair thinning treatments for women that are safer to use. To learn more about effective hair restoration options, contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts.