It is very common for women to experience sometimes significant amounts of hair loss after they give birth. Understanding why this happens can give you a bit of a sense of relief. At the same time, though, many women want to simply fix the problem. The key here is to realize it is normal and, in most cases, it is healthy, too. What is also important is to know that your hair stylist can often give you a few tips and methods to help you to get through those first few months without a problem.

So, Why Does Hair Loss Happen After Having a Baby?

During your pregnancy, your hormones changed to meet the baby’s demands. During this time, many women experience an increase in the amount of hair they have – it feels fuller and softer. It may even be significantly healthier than it was prior to getting pregnant. This happens because the body’s hair growth cycle is somewhat on pause during this time. This cycle – which typically lasts about three months – allows for about a third of your hair to fall out at one time while the other portions grow. It’s natural to have that much hair not present.

Then, you have the baby. Your body’s hormones begin to adjust again. And, with that comes changes to your hair. The hair growth cycle kicks back on at this time. The end result is that your hair seems to all fall out at once – even if you still have a lot left. This is just a catch-up process. And, in the next few months, you are likely to see this reverse itself so that your hair returns to a normal level. As long as your hormones rebalance to get to the proper level, so will your hair.

What Can You Do?

No one likes the thought of not having a healthy head of hair, especially when you are facing more people than usual. There are several things you can do to help minimize the postpartum hair loss blues you may be feeling.

#1: Get a new look.

Instead of trying to do what you’ve been doing, now is the perfect time to step out of your home for something new. Your hair stylist can give you tips on how to make your hair look fuller or healthier. They may even be able to offer you a few tricks to help you to boost your hair growth rate during this time. In other words, let the professionals help you.

#2: Work on your diet and wellbeing.

By improving the quality of foods, you take in during this time; you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover from the process. That means that you will be able to see your hair growth cycle improve faster with the proper diet. This may not mean fuller hair right away, but it makes sense to boost your overall nutrient intake to help the healing of your body anyway.

#3: Change your styling.

You can see significant improvement in the way your hair looks by simply styling it a bit different. Yes, your stylist can help you here, too. For example, using more mousse in your hair can give you more volume. You may want to keep your hair more moist, too. Use a moisturizer in your hair after you shampoo. This is also a good time to change how you part your hair. And, try to add some texture to it. For example, curling it and adding more wave will make it seem fuller.

#4: Change the color.

Get a whole new look with a new color. And, while you are at it, make sure that color is one that has multi-dimensional colors to it. Highlights and low lights, for example, are options in many ways. Work with your hair stylist to find a brand new look for your hair.

When you use these tips, you can get over postpartum hair loss in a more effective manner. The key here is to focus on the long-term and creating a new version of you as a new mom is only going to help boost your self-esteem, too.  For more professional advice, contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts.