New studies suggest that dietary supplements could play a major part in the increase of hair loss in men in their 20’s and 30’s. Certain protein shakes are causing many men to risk the health of their hair. Protein shakes are usually taken after exercise and some of the ingredients may potentially cause premature hair loss. Not all dietary supplements are unhealthy and problematic. But certain shakes contain preservatives that are more likely to affect hormone balance.

Protein shakes preservatives such as inorganic growth hormones and creatine are intended to promote the growth of muscle mass, but in doing so they can also raise the testosterone level within the blood stream. These preservatives are not necessarily harmful initially, but in men who are genetically prone to hair loss, the loss can be accelerated.

Testosterone produces a chemical known as DHT, which actually leads to baldness when the hair follicles become exposed to too much. Men who actively keep fit by lifting weights and drinking creatine shakes may be speeding up hair loss without even knowing it.


However, this can be side-stepped if men swap weights for cardio and skip the shakes. Additionally, the issue will only be obvious if the person is already predisposed to male pattern baldness. Proteins shake with creatine do not cause hair loss, but it may accelerate hair loss for those men who suffer with androgenetic hair loss or have a predisposition to thinning hair. About 95 percent of male pattern baldness is genetic which is passed down from one parent.

By switching your intense workout and eliminating the shakes, it will reduce any acceleration to hair loss. Contact Unique Hair Concept and schedule a free consultation with one of our specialists to learn more.