As we embark on a new decade, most people make resolutions at the beginning of the year for things like eating healthy and losing weight. Some may be setting out to incorporate fad diets or to get on the treadmill. For you, consider hair wellness. From the very same standpoint of making a significant change to your health, focus on your hair’s health, too. The good news is that it will help to contribute to a healthy lifestyle overall. There are several key things you should do to achieve this.

#1: Diet Is First

Instead of a fad diet that will help you to lose weight for a few weeks and then stop working, choose a diet that is healthy for your hair. That means it should incorporate healthy fruits and vegetables in it. The more colors of a rainbow that you can incorporate, the better. There are some foods that are specifically good for your hair’s health. This includes:

  • Spinach and other leafy greens
  • Sweet potatoes and other orange colored vegetables
  • Salmon and other omega-3 fatty foods
  • Tomatoes
  • Walnuts and other types of nuts
  • Eggs

When you create a diet that incorporates most of these nutrients, you are giving your body the boost it needs to keep your hair follicles and cells healthy. Eating these foods is important. However, you also want to limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks. When you cut out added sugars, you will notice a significant change in your hair health.

#2: Hormone Balances

When you head in to see your doctor for your annual wellness exam, ask him or her to check your hormones. You want to know that you are balanced. If your hormones are not balanced – which is very common for women who are older, those who are overweight, and those who eat a carb-filled diet – that can contribute to hair loss. It can also give your doctor some insight into why you have thinning hair. Use that as a sign that it is time to take a closer look at your health overall.

#3: Dump the Over Styling

Focus on doing things that are going to encourage healthy growth and long-term beauty. That means not over-styling your hair, using fewer chemicals on it whenever possible. It can also means working with your hairstylist to find a cut that you love that does not require as much product to be used within it. When you make these changes, your hair will feel healthy because it is healthy. You may reduce split ends, fried hair, and lack of growth.

#4: Give It Some Love

You also need to consider the advantages of improving the care you put into your hair. Scalp health is the key to hair wellness. Do you have an oily scalp? Is your scalp dry or dehydrated? Are you seeing thinning hair where you part your hair? Strongly consider a hair and scalp analysis that provides a picture of your scalp health. Scalp therapy treatments geared specifically to your scalp needs will result in healthy hair growth, less hair breakage and reduced hair shedding. Contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts for a complimentary hair and scalp analysis to learn more.

#5: Think About Essential Oils

Another tip for hair health is the use of essential oils. If you are struggling with hair loss or inflammation, consider the advantages of using products like tea tree oil on the scalp. This can also help with a dry scalp. You may benefit from the use of lemon oil that can help to control dandruff. Chamomile oil will aid in damaged scalp as well as almond oil.

Focus on your hair. All you need is a few new habits that can help to define the look and feel of your hair for the year to come. If you take the time to make these changes now, by the time late spring and summer rolls around, you will love the way your hair looks and feels. That is worth the work it takes.

Contact the hair specialists at Unique Hair Concepts to learn more.