When we talk about hair, we often talk about the actual strands of hair that are flowing from your scalp. You may think about the way it looks and feels. You may be looking for ways to improve the texture, curl, or thickness, especially if you are concerned about hair loss. Yet, it is impossible to focus just on those topics without also thinking about the foundation of your health. Healthy hair growth is dependent on a healthy diet, one that fuels the follicles, skin, and hair cells present. So, how healthy is your diet?

What Foods Are Important to Healthy Hair Growth?

Providing your body with nutrient rich foods helps to ensure all organs – including the skin and hair follicles – are able to function properly. Nutrients are fuel. If you do not put in the right fuel, these tissues and cells in your body do not function at their best level. That means that when you alter your diet and improve the quality of nutrition you put in, you are more likely to improve your hair, overcoming many of the most common causes for hair loss, in fact. How do you do that? Here are some recommendations for altering your diet.

1: Nutrient Rich Fruits

One of the most important investments to make in your diet is fruit. Look for a wide range of colors – each color represents a different type of nutrient your body needs. For hair growth, start with berries. These are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C. This helps to remove the free radicals that build up in cells and cause inferior function. Eat a variety of colors of berries to get a good source of nutrition in your diet.

2: Healthy Proteins and Biotin

Eggs are one of the best sources for protein and biotin. Both of these are important nutrients to help encourage healthy hair growth. Eggs are a good source of protein, which is essential because of the follicles on your head require a strong source of protein to function at their best. This can help to minimize the amount of hair loss you are having while also increasing your overall growth rate. Biotin deficiencies are a common cause for hair loss. Also, note that eggs contain a lot of other nutrients important to healthy hair, including selenium, zinc, and more.

3: Deep Greens

Eating your vegetables – specifically spinach, kale, and other deeply colored greens – is an important way to enrich the hair. These vegetables, in particular, are important because of the amount of iron and Vitamin K they have. They are also rich in folate, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Every one of these nutrients is critical for promoting healthy hair growth. Vitamin A is often a very important nutrient that many people don’t focus on, but it helps to keep the scalp moisture at the right level, promoting healthy skin. Level. Iron is critical for moving oxygen through the body to fuel your metabolism and to encourage the repair of damaged cells.

4: Healthy Fats from Fish

You can get healthy fat from several places, but there are a few good reasons to focus on getting this nutrient from fish. Fish like salmon are very important for improving access to omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are commonly deficient in those who have lack of hair growth and have thinning hair. If you really do not like to eat fish, you can take omega-3 fatty acid supplements to help increase the amount of nutrition you take in.

5: Plant Based Protein in Beans

Beans are an under rated source of protein but can be one of the best ways for you to get this nutrient into your diet on a regular basis. Beans can be packed with flavor, and they can also be a lean source of protein for your body. Look for those that are organic, and be sure to avoid those with too much sodium. Used on a consistent basis, the iron, biotin, and folate in beans may help to contribute to healthy hair growth.

Which foods are you missing from your healthy diet? Making a few changes could mean restored hair growth and a smile on your face with it.

Contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts for a complimentary hair and scalp analysis.