What if you could turn on some lights and see some help with your hair loss? While it may not be that easy, there are new tools and techniques being developed all of the time to help individuals experiencing hair loss to find a solution. New technology is offering some pretty amazing and promising methods for improving hair loss. One of them has to do with using LED devices. Not everyone will benefit from the use of these tools, but for some, they could be nothing short of life changing. So, what is it and how does it work?

Consider a Helmet with Lights

This new device uses low-level light therapy, commonly called LLLT, embedded into a device. The device looks like a small helmet that a person can wear rather easily, much like wearing a very bulky pair of headphones. The device, is designed to stimulate hair production in the follicles. This is a type of at home tool, one designed to allow anyone to simply put it on and start using it. Could this simple of a product be the solution to your hair growth and hair loss problems? Some say it works very well.

How Does It Work?

The helmet works in a very simplistic design, based off the process by which plants take in light and convert it to energy to use. This product is based on the benefit that the body is able to absorb certain types of wavelengths of lightweight lasers or LEDs. The product works with the outer layer of the skin, the location where all of the hair follicles are located.

When the device is placed on the skin, it works to create high energy light, light that the skin is able to absorb. The belief is that the absorption of the light encourages the stimulation of hair growth in the follicles. That is because the light creates cellular energy or more specifically ATP. This works to boost the health and strength of the cells themselves. It also helps to create the ideal conditions for the cells in the surrounding area. This helps to encourage the hair follicles to expand.

What Does This Do for You?

Those who have thinning hair may benefit because the product works to encourage the hair follicles to widen. As they do, the hair grown from them is thicker. On the other hand, there are other follicles that do not open. These products could work to open up those follicles and stimulate hair growth in them. This process could help to create more hair for those without it.

When the process comes down to it, LED devices for the development of healthy hair can work well. Because they work at a safe level of light, they can help to stimulate growth and remain very healthy and safe to use. It is still important for individuals to speak to a hair loss professional and their doctor about their hair loss. If there is an underlying condition causing the hair loss, this type of tool may not work as well.

Helmets with LED lights could help to stimulate hair growth in some people. By wearing it just 20 to 30 minutes per treatment, 3 to 4 times per week, it could help you to see hair growth back where it was lost for years. This product is approved for men and women, and, as noted previously, there are other types of LED devices that may help as well.

To learn more about Low Level Light therapy, and if you could benefit from this treatment contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts.