Having curly hair is either something you simply love or something you dread. For those who have very straight hair, there is no perm or other treatment that can create the look and feel of natural curls. On the other hand, many of those with natural curls spend their days struggling with tangles and unruly locks. If you have curls, you may long for anything but. However, with a few helpful tips you may be able to better maximize the beauty of your hair and get the most out of those curls. No matter what your style is, it may be time to embrace your locks. Check out these steps to making your curly hair more manageable.

Nourish Your Curls Routinely

A good place to start is with providing your curls with the nourishment they need. It is best to choose hair care products designed for full or curly hair whenever possible. Invest in high quality products, those that provide a high level of moisturizing in them. More importantly, you will want to choose natural products whenever possible. These are less likely to cause damage to your hair and, as a result, less stress and strain on each strand. This can reduce the amount of frizz you suffer from.

Take Care of Your Hair at Night

You may not realize it but your hair needs protection not just during the day but over nighttime hours as well. First, start with the right pillowcase. Avoid cotton or other products. Invest in a high quality satin pillow case. This creates less stress and pull on your curls and reduces the amount of frizz that builds over night. Additionally, never leave your hair up at night. It can put too much stress on the curls leading to breakage. Protect your curls overnight to have less stress in the morning.

Don't Brush Until It's Painful

You remember sitting in front of your mom tears streaming down your face as she tried to brush and tame those curls. Don't do it. Apply a small amount of conditioner to your brush before working it through your hair. You'll also want to avoid over brushing. Instead, use your hands to run your fingers through your hair to remove any tangles. Then, use a brush with larger teeth and more open space instead of a bristle type brush.

Deep Condition Regularly

It is a good idea to talk to your hair stylist about your hair's specific needs for conditioning and care. In some cases, curls that are stressed, broken, or otherwise damaged need more care and attention. For these types of situations, a deep conditioning application at least one time a week may be what’s needed. Deep conditioning can help to create stronger hair and reduce the stress placed on your hair from all the work it does. Curly hair is less strong overall, creating more risk of breakage if you don't take these steps on a routine basis.

Focus on Hairstyles That Fit

It's also important to choose hairstyles that work for your hair type. Even though you have curly hair, the texture will be different from one person to the next. Additionally, the amount of hair you have also plays a role in the way it looks. It can be very helpful to focus on a hair style (with the help of your hair stylist of course) that compliments your hair's texture and overall amount. Instead of fighting those curls and trying to create a straight or even wavy look, embrace them in a cut that fits your style and your hair's needs. This way, you will spend far less time overworking your hair with blow drying, combing, and straightening.

Curls tend to be hard to manage in some situations, such as when humidity levels risk. However, if you invest in quality products to manage your hair, reduce the amount of chemical and heat related applications to your hair, and choose a hairstyle that compliments your curls, you'll reduce the amount of frustration you have every day. What's more, you can pass on these tips to your kid's later, so they do not have to suffer from the pain of trying to comb away curls.

Contact the hair specialists at Unique Hair Concepts to learn more.