There is no doubt that having a child changes everything, including your hair. There is a significant surge of hormones that occurs when you have a child that your body’s many functions alter. That includes hair growth. You may find that right after having a child, your hair may thin, and some women experience a significant amount of hair loss. This is called postpartum hair loss, and as much as you may not like it, it is very normal and very common. That does not mean your hair will not grow back and come in just as beautiful as it was.

What To Expect with Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss occurs typically once your baby is born. That is when the body’s hormones regulate and change to go from supporting the child and birth to helping you to heal. Hair loss may peak at around four to five months after you have a child, though many women begin to see improvements soon after that.

Remember that your hair goes through hair growth cycles. During pregnancy, many women experience fuller hair. That is because the growth cycle pauses as your body and hormones are focused on other tasks. Once the baby arrives, your estrogen levels begin to fall off, creating more of a balanced hormone level for you. When this happens, all of that hair that should have fallen out and created that beautiful full head of hair starts to fall out.

This can be worrisome for many women because it can feel like you are losing all of your hair at one time. However, this is normal and to be expected. Not all of your hair will fall out.

What You Can Do to Manage This Process

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of things you can do to stop hair loss from occurring. In most cases, you will notice that the hair loss will slow and become more normal within a few months. However, you do want to give your body everything you can to encourage natural hair growth. That is, you want to be sure your hormones are as regulated as possible so that when your hair starts to come back, it has every nutrient and tool it needs to do so in a healthy way.

There are a few things you can do to see a substantial improvement in your hair loss, at least over time.

Get a Haircut

You may feel better if you get a haircut that gives you a new look. That way, your hair could appear to be fuller, if that is what you are after, or you get a fresh, new look that you love.

Nutrients Are Important

If you are breastfeeding, you already know the importance of eating a super nutritional diet during those first few months. The good news is that your hair will benefit from this as well. Look for a rainbow of color in the fruits and vegetables you eat. You’ll want to stay away from as much processed food as you can and instead go for the healthy, nutrient-dense foods that your body needs now to heal.

Treat It Well

Be sure to treat your hair the best you can. To do that, start with a gentle shampoo, especially one that offers a natural blend of ingredients. This helps to minimize the chemicals being used on your hair. You also want to be gentle in that you do not pull your hair too tightly, no matter how much you love those messy buns when you’re tired and overworked. Try to avoid any type of heat-related treatments during this time. Avoid chemical-based treatments, too. These tax your hair and could cause some additional hair loss.

Be sure to stay on top of what’s happening with your hair loss. If you notice a significant amount of shedding, especially if you have balding areas, reach out to your doctor right away. Your doctor can help in all situations by providing you with better access to hormone regulation and lab work to ensure your body is healing and recovering well from having a baby. The key is to give yourself and your hair time to grow back and come in even fuller.

To learn more about the hair loss prevention treatments available, contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts for a complimentary, private consultation.