For men who are finding themselves with thinning hair, doing anything seems like the best way to treat it. For some men, hair loss begins slowly and at an early age. For others, it seems to come on rather suddenly, leaving a person without the ability to slow down the process. At that point, finding any treatment seems like a better option. Yet, there are a few key reasons why you may want to consider Finasteride. This is a clinically proven method for helping me when hair loss to get better results. Could it be right for you?

What Is Finasteride and Why Does It Work?

When it comes to the wide range of over the counter treatment options for hair loss, it can seem impossible to know which work. Many of these products promise results that never come to fruition. Instead, you are left paying a sizable price tag for no benefits. Finasteride is a bit different. It is a prescription drug that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss in men. For most men who use it, it does work. It can help you to stop further hair loss from occurring and, in some cases, help to restore hair growth.

Does it work for you, though? This really depends on the type of hair loss you have and the underlying cause of it. For many men, the use of Finasteride is ideal for situations where they are facing androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. This is a common cause of hair loss and is often tied to genetics. The condition progresses over time and seems impossible to stop until it has caused a significant amount of hair loss.

In this condition, the hair growth cycle weakens. That means that the hair does not come in as fully and, in some cases, does not come in at all. The hair follicles begin to shrink over this process. As that happens, most people begin to experience shorter and thinner hair coming in. That continues until it is hard to even see the hair coming in if it does at all. Over a few months or years, the condition leads to no hair growing at all. That is when things become difficult.

This condition occurs as a result of the increase in the production of DHT, a type of hormone that is necessary for hair growth. That is why treatments that work to slow down this production of the hormone can help to combat hair loss. In some situations, it can work to slow down the hair loss, but other men report seeing significant improvement in reversing the hair loss they have already had.

What to Expect in Using Finasteride

Anyone with hair loss should talk to their doctor about what options they have. Your doctor can perform blood tests to determine the underlying cause or look at other factors that may help to slow the hair loss down. If Finasteride is the recommended choice, your doctor will provide a prescription for it after providing insight to you about all of your options and the recommendations for treatment.

This medication is sold under the brand name Propecia. It is a type of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. It works to prevent the hormone testosterone from breaking down. When it does break down, it terms into DHT, which is the hormone that leads to hair loss. As a result, the medication works to stop hair loss in many men.

The medication comes in the form of a pill. It is taken for the long term, meaning you may need to continue taking it for a long time to keep it working properly and to minimize hair loss. Most often, men will see results, but it will take time, sometimes 6 to 9 months, to see them. Growth of stronger hair is reported in most men, but that can take a bit longer as well.

Are There Side Effects?

Many men experience short term side effects while taking Finasteride, while others experience long term side effects. The side effects include: impotence, swelling of hands or feet, loss of interest in sex, dizziness and weakness. It is important to discuss these side effects with your doctor and if whether or not Finasteride is the right option for your hair loss.

There are natural treatment options without side effects that are available. Contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts to learn more about the treatment options for hair loss available for men. Complimentary consultations are offered Tuesday through Saturday by appointment.